01 P1000522 PP 12142020 16_9 by Verryl V Fosnight Jr
Verryl V Fosnight Jr's Gallery Verryl V Fosnight Jr's Gallery
  1. Verryl V Fosnight Jr's Gallery
  2. Wyoming Division HO Operation LayoutWyoming Division HO Operation Layout
  3. 19 Photos "Lightweight Ops Article"19 Photos
  4. 01 P1000522 PP 12142020 16_901 P1000522 PP 12142020 16_9

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Item information:

01 P1000522 PP 12142020 16_9 (Legends for photos supplied for “Lightweight Operations” article for Model Railroad Hobbyist.

All photos were taken during the regular monthly operating session of 12/14/19 with 23 operators from all over the state of Arizona.

Photo Description:
01	View over west end of Cheyenne, WY and the wye at Speer WY. Tracks 1 and 2 go up the east slope of Sherman Hill near the backdrop, and #3, the Harriman Cutoff, is near the bench edge. Beyond the summit near the huge beam that suspends the mezzanine over the layout all three tracks junction at Dale Junction, then #1 and #2 continue down the west slope into Laramie, but with left hand running from Dale to Laramie. The yellow structure is the 7-foot-wide viewing mezzanine that hangs over the 50 x 75-foot layout.)
02 Ops 121419 16_9  PP (16) (02	Dale Junction on the west side of Sherman Hill showing the east portals of the Hermosa Tunnels (Tunnel #1).)
03 Ops 121419 16_9  PP (15) (03 Guy Forsythe is the Laramie Yardmaster this day. Behind him are the coal marshaling tracks of Hanna WY.)
04 Ops 121419 16_9  PP (13) (04 The three coal mines of Hanna. The curves are so tight on this approximately 4 x 8’ section that the coal extra job must use a dedicated 4 axle diesel switcher. For the delivery of loads out and empties back in, the road crew uses an RS-3 combine for the 25-car train.

There are 3 more mines in Rock Springs WY on the lower level for a separate coal extra job on that level.)
05 Ops 121419 16_9  PP (12) (05 This view shows the remainder of the upper level of the freestanding mushroom bench layout, the Cheyenne classification yard on the far right, Wamsutter WY and the Harriman (center track) siding across the aisle from Cheyenne, and the Red Desert prairie on the left, and far left, Rawlins WY and the Sinclair refinery. Parts of Rock Springs WY can be seen on the left lower level, and 17 track main staging is under the right-hand Cheyenne tracks. Nearly the entire Cheyenne Steam Yard is on the bench across the far end of the building.)
06 Ops 121419 16_9  PP (14) (06	Wamsutter WY and the beginning of the Harriman Siding on the left. The partial backdrop sky and upper building structure (mezzanine, lights, A/C ducting, etc.) has been replaced with a file sky using Luminar 4 photo processing software. The original with building parts is in the next photo.)
07 Ops 121419 16_9  PP (17) (07	Wamsutter and the center siding. Note the presence of building parts that were replaced by using Luminar 4’s AI Sky Replacement in the last photo. The double track main has ABS on both levels, and a pair of signals can be seen here. Dennis Drury described his boards and signal installations in an MRH article about signal installations in the January 1, 2018 issue of MRH. Dennis helped us install our signals in the fall of 2017.)
08 Ops 121419 16_9  PP (18) (08	The Cheyenne Classification Yard beyond the Frontier Refinery in Cheyenne. Behind Bob Burke and Fred Eisenstal (distant) is the Harriman Siding out of Wamsutter. The signals at the west end of the Harriman Siding can also be seen. The Dispatcher's desk and phones are on the mezzanine above.)

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